Budol Samudayik SACCOS is a primary cooperative institution established and operated in the community as per the governing principles and norms of cooperatives. Registered on Kartik 2nd 2050 B.S. in District Co-operative Office, Kavre (Reg.No.071/050/051) with the slogan of “Jantako Chhahari, Samudayik Sahakari“, it was functional only from Magh, 2057 B.S.. Initially it was operated within former Ward No. 11 of Banepa municipality only with six members collecting Rs. 100 from each with the objective of developing regular saving habit. However, it could not produce much impact in the society in its initial phase of operation as it was operated with the small amount and with few members. Only after its Participation in the ACCESS program jointly run by Nepal Federation Of Saving & Credit Union Ltd.(NEFSCUN) & Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Union(ACCU) from 2064 B.S. it has been able to earn its  distinct reputation in the field of co-operative movement. It has been providing easy and accessible financial services and various other services under its economic security programs to its members maintaining its operational area in Kavrepalanchowk district successfully.

As a result of its professionalism and own distinct image this SACCOS has earned, it was awarded with prestigious ACCESS Bronze Brand and ACCESS Silver Brand from ACCU in the years 2069 B.S.and  2072 B.S. respectively and it has been able to give continuity to ACCESS branding program till date. It also has received noteworthy awards namely National Co-operative Business award from National Co-operative Federation Ltd. in 2070 B.S. and the NEFSCUN best SACCOS award from NEFSCUN in 2074 B.S. For the full-fledged development of this SACCOS, vital role played by Department of Co-operative, NEFSCUN, ACCU and National Co-operative Federation Ltd. is unforgettable. It has also been receiving continuous support from National Co-operative Bank Ltd., District Co-operative Federation Ltd., Kavre and Kavrepalanchok District Saving and Credit Co-operative Federation Ltd. for its all-round development and we are ever grateful for their kind co-operation and guidance.


बुडोल सामुदायिक साकोस सहकारीको सिद्धान्त र मूल्यमान्यता अनुरुप समुदायमा आधारित भई संचालनमा रहेको प्रारम्भिक सहकारी संस्था हो । यस संस्था २०५० साल कात्तिक २ गते जिल्ला सहकारी कार्यालय काभ्रेमा (दर्ता नं. ०७१/०५०/०५१) दर्ता भई “जनताको छहारी सामुदायिक सहकारी” भन्ने नाराका साथ २०५७ साल माघ महिनाबाट क्रियाशिल भएको सहकारी संस्था हो । प्रारम्भमा ६ जना सदस्यबाट मासिक रु. १००।– बचत गर्दै तत्कालिन बनेपा न.पा. ११ मा केन्द्रित भै सदस्यहरूमा बचत गर्ने बानीको विकास गर्ने उद्देश्यले स–साना रकम र थोरै सदस्यहरुबाट शुरुवात भएको संस्था हो । यस संस्थाले सुरुका वर्षहरुमा समुदायमा खासै प्रभाव पार्न नसकेको भएता पनि नेपाल बचत तथा ऋण केन्द्रीय सहकारी संघ लि.(नेफ्स्कून) र एशियाली ऋण महासंघ (आकु) बाट २०६४ मा संचालित एक्सेस ब्राण्डिङ्ग कार्यक्रममा सहभागिता पश्चात सहकारी क्षेत्रमै आफ्नो छुट्टै पहिचान कायम गर्न सफल भएको छ । काभ्रेपलाञ्चोक जिल्लाभर कार्यक्षेत्र रही संचालनमा रहेको संस्थाले आफ्ना सदस्यहरूलाई सरल र सुलभ रूपमा वित्तीय सेवा तथा आर्थिक सुरक्षा कार्यक्रमअन्तर्गत विभिन्न प्रकारका सुविधाहरू प्रदान गरिरहेको छ । यस संंस्थाले आफ्नो व्यवसायिकता र छवि निर्माण गर्दै एशियाली ऋण महासंघबाट २०६९ सालमा एक्सेस ब्रोञ्ज ब्राण्ड र २०७२ सालमा एक्सेस सिल्भर ब्राण्ड प्राप्त गरी एक्सेस ब्राण्डलाई निरन्तरता दिन सफल भएको छ । संस्थाले राष्ट्रिय सहकारी महासंघ लि.बाट राष्ट्रिय सहकारी व्यवसाय पुरस्कार २०७० र नेपाल बचत तथा ऋण केन्द्रिय सहकारी संघ (नेफ्स्कून) बाट नेफ्स्कून सर्वोत्कृष्ट संस्था सम्मान–२०७४ जस्तो गरिमामय पुरस्कार प्राप्त गर्न सफल भएको छ । संस्थाको अग्रगामी विकासमा सहकारी विभाग, नेफ्स्कून, आकु, राष्ट्रिय सहकारी महासंघ लि.को महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका रहनुका साथै राष्ट्रिय सहकारी बैंक लि., जिल्ला सहकारी संघ लि. काभ्रे र काभ्रेपलाञ्चोक जिल्ला बचत तथा ऋण सहकारी संघ लि. लगायत वित्तीय सहकारी अभियानका विभिन्न संघ संस्थाहरूबाट नियमित सेवा प्राप्त गर्दै आएको छ ।

News and Events

Success Story

STATISTICS (Upto 30th Kartik 2081)

Total Share Capital:
(NRs. 16,86,82,000.00)
Total Institutional Capital:
(NRs. 16,62,05,578.76)
Total Saving:
(NRs. 1,66,91,69,733.95)
Total Assets:
(NRs. 2,07,69,22,768.64)
Total members :
26,985 ( Male: 8,557 Female: 10,484 Inst: 18)
Total No. of Child Saver:
Total No. of Employee:
44 (F-16, M-28)

Contact Location